If your surname or that of your ancestor is one of the spellings listed here, then you may be eligible for membership of the Clan Lindsay Society of Australia.
Affleck | ||||
Achenkek Achinfleck Achinlek Achithelege Achlec Achleek Achlek Achtinlek Achynlek Affleck Afflect |
Aflek Aghlek Aghleke Aghynkek Aighinleik Aquinlek Athelek Athinkel Athinleik Athinlek Athlek |
Athlyk Athynlek Auchenlek Auchenleck Auchinlec Auchinleck Auchinlek Auchinlok Auchlec Auchleck Auchlek |
Auchynflek Auchynlek Authinlect Authinlek Auuynlec Avthinlect Awchinlecke Awchiek Awqwhynleke Effek Hauchynlek |
Unaccepted spellings: Nil |
Byres | ||||
Buyers Byars |
Byers Byres |
Byris | Byrs | Unaccepted spellings: Nil |
Cobb | ||||
Cob | Cobb | Unaccepted spellings: Cobban Cobbie |
Crawford | ||||
Crafford Crafoard Crafoord Craford Crafort Crafuirde |
Crafurd Crauffurd Craufoord Crauford Crauforth Craufurd |
Craufurde Crauuford Craweford Crawey Crawfaird |
Crawfeurd Crawffurd Crawford Crawfurd Crouford |
Unaccepted spellings: Nil |
Deuchar | ||||
Dequhar Deuchair Deuchar Deuchars Deuchart Deucharys Deucher Deuchor Deughar |
Deugher Deuhqwhyr Deuquhair Deuquhar Deuquhare Deuquhyre Dewchar Dewchare |
Dewquhar Dewquhir Docher Docker Doker Doucher Doughar Douquhar |
Dowchar Dowgar Duchar Duchir Duchre Duquhar Duquhare Dwichair |
Unaccepted spellings: Dewar |
Downie | ||||
Davenie Dewinny Dewiny Dewney Dewnie |
Dewny Don Dons Doun Douney |
Douny Down Downe Downey Downie |
Downy Downye Dunny Duny |
Unaccepted spellings: Downs Downes |
Fotheringham | ||||
Fodryngay Foddringam Foddrynghame Foderingay Foderingam Foderinghame Fodinrey Fodringham |
Fodringam Fodringaym Fodringgeye Fodringhay Fodrungame Fodryngame Fodrynghay Fordringham |
Forigham Foringham Fothergem Fotheringhay Fotheringham Fotheringay Fotheringhay Fotherengam |
Fotherenhame Fothringam Fothringame Fothrymgam Fothrynhame Fotringham Fottyngham |
Unaccepted spellings: Fothray |
Lindsay | ||||
Limesay Lindeci Lindensay Lindesa Lindesaia Lindesaie Lindesans Lindesay Lindesaye Lindese Lindesee Lindesei Lindeseia Lindeseie Lindesey Lindesi Lindesie Lindesins Lindessay Lindessaya Lindessaye Lindessey |
Lindesseye Lindessi Lindesy Lindesye Lindeszey Lindiesay Lindisay Lindisin Lindissa Lindissai Lindissay Lindisseia Lindsa Lindsai Lindsay Lindsaye Lindsey Lindsseie Lindyesaye Lindyssay Lindyssey Linsai |
Linsaie Linsay Linsey Linsee Linzee Lyncay Lynddesai Lynddessay Lynddessaye Lyndesai Lyndesay Lyndeseia Lyndeseie Lyndesey Lyndeseye Lyndesheie Lyndeshey Lyndesie Lyndesins Lyndessai Lyndessay Lyndessaye |
Lyndessey Lyndessy Lyndesy Lyndesya Lyndezay Lyndisay Lyndissai Lyndissay Lyndisseye Lyndsa Lyndsaia Lyndsaie Lyndsay Lyndsey Lyndseye Lyndsy Lyndysay Lyndyssay Lyndyssey Lynsay Lynse Lynsey |
Unaccepted spellings: Lin Lind Lindley Linley Lyn Lyne Lynn Lynne Lynns |
Rhind | ||||
Rind Rinde Rine |
Rinne Riyin Rhind |
Rhynd Rhynde Rhynds |
Rynd Rynde |
Unaccepted spellings: Rhynas Rhynie Ryny |
Summers | ||||
Simer Simeres Simers Simmer Simmers Somer Somers |
Sommer Sommers Somyr Sovmer Sumer Summer |
Summers Summyr Sumner Sumners Sumyr Symier |
Symer Symers Symir Symmer Symmers Symour |
Unaccepted spellings: Somerville Summerville |